Keynote speakers

Plenary speakers

Roni Kasher, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Izrael

Keynote lecture:

Prof. Roni Kasher is an Associate Professor at the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Prof. Kasher did his BSc in Geology and Chemistry, and MSc and PhD in Organic Chemistry from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, whereas his postdoc was at Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel).

Significant accomplishments of Prof. Kasher are the development of novel oligoamide thin-film membranes for nanofiltration, stabilizing metal-organic framework (MOF) nanoparticles on UF membranes for selective removal of pollutants, the development of antifouling reverse osmosis membranes by surface immobilized antimicrobial peptides, antifouling membrane modifications for mitigating with calcium phosphate scaling in reverse osmosis desalination of domestic wastewater, understanding silica scaling mechanisms in brackish water desalination, and the use of saline groundwater as an alternative for seawater as feed for desalination. R. Kasher received many awards and grants, among them are the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) in a joint program with China (NSFC), the German-Israeli Foundation for Science (GIF), and BMBF-MOST Germany-Israel Water Program. He is a coauthor of more than 70 research articles, and in addition patents and book chapters. Kasher supervised and is supervising 37 graduate students (MSc, PhD, and postdocs).  

Ondřej Vopička is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, where he also defended the M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses.  

He has contributed the state-of-the-art knowledge on the sorption of single-component and mixed gases and vapours in high free volume polymers, and on the related phenomena of their swelling and plasticisation. Besides that, his areas of interest are experimental studies on the diffusion of volatile compounds in liquids, vapour permeation, pervaporation, membrane extraction, preparation and characterisation of membrane materials, industrial samples, and biodegradable polymers.

Ondřej Vopička published 53 research and review articles, supervised 17 and co-supervised 10 students (B.Sc, M.Sc., Ph.D., postdoc), h-index 18, received two national research grants (GA-CR), has been involved in several national and international research grants.



Niels van LINDEN, Lenntech, Netherlands

Keynote lecture:

Niels van Linden obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology. During his MSc thesis, Niels worked on the separation of organic matter and salt in a brine of a zero liquid discharge process, using ion exchange, nanofiltration and electrodialysis as separation technologies. Subsequently, Niels conducted his PhD research on removal and recovery of ammonium/ammonia from water, using electrodialysis, bipolar membrane electrodialysis and vacuum membrane stripping. Currently, Niels is working at Lenntech as R&D Coordinator at Lenntech B.V., where he is involved in various European and Dutch funded research project, as well as a wide variety of industrial project. For the projects at Lenntech, again many membrane technologies are used on lab-scale and pilot-scale, such as ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and (bipolar membrane) electrodialysis. By having access and experience with a variety of membrane technologies, often technologies are combined to meet the needs of the industry.

Elena Tocci is Researcher at the CNR Institute on Membrane Technology in Rende (IT) since 2001. She is an expert in computational chemistry with a M.Sc. in Chemistry and a PhD in Chemical and new materials technologies at the University of Calabria, Italy.

She has spent, in recent years, several periods in foreign Institutions as a visiting scientist.

Supervisor of the scientific research activities of several fellowships, contract researchers, PhDs students, etc. developed or in progress at the ITM-CNR and responsible of formation activities. Member of the Organizing Committee of international conferences. She participated with responsibility in several research and bi-lateral projects funded by the European Union, the Ministry of Education and Research of Italy, the Calabria Region.

…. more information about Elena TOCCI …

Pooja Halvawala is an R&D Engineer at Lenntech Water Treatment Solutions, Delfgauw the Netherlands. She has been associated with the company for the past 1.5 years across diverse domains of industrial water treatment. Prior to this work experience, she has a Master’s in Environmental Engineering from the globally renowned Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. She has first-hand experience in working with electrodialysis for process waters to achieve desalination of organic solutions for the food & beverage and cosmetics business. Besides, other topics of interest and experience are nanofiltration & reverse osmosis for the application of concentration, separation & recycling of salts. Few weeks ago, she presented her work ‘Deionization and concentration of sugar solutions using electrodialysis and reverse osmosis’ at the BeNeLux conference 2022. In general, she enjoys working on challenging assignments, especially the ones where creativity can be factored in.
“Whatever one’s mind can believe it can achieve”. With this thought in mind, Pooja continues to strive in every facet of her life.








The conference MELPRO 2022 is held under the auspices of the Governor of the Liberec Region, Martin Půta.